Sunday, August 30, 2009

Seattle Teriyaki Salmon

We had some friends over for a BBQ around the 4th of July. I've owed them this recipe since then.

As published in the Make-A-Wish Foundation cookbook, "Favorites", From Ray's Boathouse, a favorite spot in Seattle

Seattle Salmon Teriyaki

1 quart soy sauce
1 pound brown sugar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbs fresh ginger, minced
1/2 cup white wine
6 salmon fillets, about 8-ounces each
3 Tbs sesame seeds

Toast sesame seeds under broiler and set aside. Prepare marinade by combining all ingredients except salmon and sesame seeds. Place fillets in this mixture and marinate for 4 to 6 hours.

Remove salmon from marinade, put in a large piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil and place on a grill. cover loosely and grill about 7 to 10 minutes, or until fish flakes when pressed with a fork. Do not overcook. Tope with sesame seeds and serve.

First Day of School:Kindergarten

Five years ago, I delivered my first child. The blessing of becoming a mom has had more effect on my life than any other event since. I decided working full time would prohibit me from being as involved as I wanted to be in these first & formative 5 years. I knew this day would come...

My daughter starts kindergarten tomorrow. Sure, she's excited. We found the perfect backpack. She's laid out her outfit. We've talked through what might happen on her first day, including how to invite someone to play with you. She's even had a blessing of comfort from her dad. I'm certain she's ready, but have realized that I don't think I've prepared myself. Ask me tomorrow how it went.

In the mean time, I've sufficiently stifled any sadness by creating a schultute. My daughter found a picture of one in some catalog. Not wanting to spring for the fully-loaded version, I opted to use some fabric scraps and make a cone that could last for years. Tonight, I'll fill it with school supplies and an outfit, some snacks and trinkets to put on her bag. In the morning, she'll have a surprise to open. Pictures are always my downfall on blogging, so don't hold your breath.

If you'd like directions, feel free to comment and I can spell it out for you.
The fully-physically prepared, half-way emotionally prepared Mom

Molten Lava Cakes (aka Half-Baked Cakes)

My husband once went to a Morton's Steakhouse where he discovered the Chocolate Lava Cake. Being the nice and thoughtful wife, I went right to my mom and asked her to make this cake for his birthday. This was about 5 years ago, starting a tradition of half-baked cakes and large-scale ramekin prep work to rival a restaurant kitchen.

The key to getting this cake to ooze like molten lava is knowing your oven. You can make this and chill in the dishes and cook just as many as you want to eat. You'll want to experiment with 1-2 dishes at a time until you get the right temperature and time for your climate and oven. Good luck!

Molten Chocolate Cake by Marguerite Henderson
2 T. butter
2 T. sugar

Butter 8-6 oz. ramekins with the 2 T butter and sprinkle with sugar, shaking off the excess. Set aside.

6 oz. semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter
3 large eggs
4 large egg yolks
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup flour

In a medium saucepan, melt the chocolate and the butter. Cool slightly. Whisk the eggs and egg yolks in a medium bowl. Whisk in the powdered sugar, melted chocolate and the flour. Pour into prepared ramekins, dividing equally. Place ramekins on a baking sheet. (Can be made several hours ahead.) Cover and chill until ready to bake.

Preheat overn to 450 degrees. Bake cakes 10-12 minutes, until edges are cooked but center is still soft. Remove from oven. While still warm, run a small knift around cakes to loosen. Turn out onto serving plates. Place topside up.

Serve with ice cream of choice, sliced strawberries, powdered sugar and/or mint sprigs. Serves 8.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Appropriate Title: Half-Baked Mom

Well- If I thought I could really keep up in writing a blog, you'll know that this is just the first of many of my crazy and unachievable projects that I dream up.

Maybe you know that I can be overly practical, so I temper that number-crunching, ultra-analytical side with some plain silliness. Luckily, I have two kids and a husband who tolerate and even support this part of me.

Don't expect complete photo journal descriptions of craft projects, completed recipe books or even fleshed out blog posts. This is my workspace - a place for brainstorming, not bow-tying at the end of the project. Another title "Work, In Process", because that's what life is...whether the work is for my family, my community or my's work. Just because it's work, doesn't mean it can't be fun or just half-baked.


Thesaurus from

Adj.1.half-baked - foolish; totally unsound; "a crazy scheme"; "half-baked ideas"; "a screwball proposal without a prayer of working"
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
impractical - not practical; not workable or not given to practical matters; "refloating the ship proved impractical because of the expense"; "he is intelligent but too impractical for commercial work"; "an impractical solution"

2.half-bakedhalf-baked - insufficiently cooked
raw - not treated with heat to prepare it for eating