Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Day of School:Kindergarten

Five years ago, I delivered my first child. The blessing of becoming a mom has had more effect on my life than any other event since. I decided working full time would prohibit me from being as involved as I wanted to be in these first & formative 5 years. I knew this day would come...

My daughter starts kindergarten tomorrow. Sure, she's excited. We found the perfect backpack. She's laid out her outfit. We've talked through what might happen on her first day, including how to invite someone to play with you. She's even had a blessing of comfort from her dad. I'm certain she's ready, but have realized that I don't think I've prepared myself. Ask me tomorrow how it went.

In the mean time, I've sufficiently stifled any sadness by creating a schultute. My daughter found a picture of one in some catalog. Not wanting to spring for the fully-loaded version, I opted to use some fabric scraps and make a cone that could last for years. Tonight, I'll fill it with school supplies and an outfit, some snacks and trinkets to put on her bag. In the morning, she'll have a surprise to open. Pictures are always my downfall on blogging, so don't hold your breath.

If you'd like directions, feel free to comment and I can spell it out for you.
The fully-physically prepared, half-way emotionally prepared Mom

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